Day 28 Task: Jenkins Agents |7 Deploy web app using Jenkins master and worker node.

Here we will deploy a web app through Jenkins master to the Jenkins worker node to make work easier and with better approach:

1. Create EC2 instances (AWS) as:

· jenkins-server
· Jenkins-agent-1 (worker node)

2. Generate SSH keys on “Jenkins-server” by running

“ssh-keygen” command

3. Now goto “.ssh” folder and there will be public and private key in Jenkins-server EC-2 machine.

4. Add public key from “Jenkins-server” to “Jenkins-agent-1” under location “.ssh/authorized_keys”

5. Now, go to the Jenkins dashboard, and click on “Manage Jenkins”.

6. Now, click on “Manage Nodes and Clouds”

7. Now, click on “+ New Node”

8. Add details of your second node, accordingly.

9. Now click on “Ok”, and the node will be connected and online.