Real Time Simple Node Js Application CI/CD
In this guide, we'll explore how to set up a Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline for a simple Node.js application. This process will help automate testing and deployment, ensuring your application is always up-to-date and functioning correctly.
Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) are essential practices in modern software development. They automate the process of testing and deploying code changes, allowing developers to focus on writing code rather than managing deployments. In this guide, we'll set up a real-time CI/CD pipeline for a Node.js application, making it easier to deliver updates quickly and reliably.
Steps Overview
Step 1: Set Up Your Node.js Application
Create a simple Node.js application or use an existing one.
Ensure your application is stored in a version control system like Git.
Step 2: Configure a CI/CD Tool
Choose a CI/CD tool such as Jenkins, GitHub Actions, or GitLab CI.
Set up the tool to monitor your repository for changes.
Step 3: Write Test Scripts
Create test scripts to verify your application's functionality.
Ensure these scripts run automatically whenever code changes are detected.
Step 4: Automate Deployment
Configure your CI/CD tool to deploy your application to a staging or production environment after successful tests.
Use tools like Docker or Kubernetes for containerized deployments, if applicable.
Step 5: Monitor and Iterate
Continuously monitor the deployment process for any issues.
Make improvements to the pipeline as needed to enhance efficiency and reliability.
Steps in Detail: Plugins to Install in Jenkins
Node.js Plugin
OWASP Dependency Check
Docker, Docker Pipeline, CloudBees, Docker BuildStep
Configure Jenkins → Manage Jenkins → Tools
- Dependency-Check
- Docker
Successfully Uploaded the image in registry with help of pipeline script
Running the Node js web app:
pipeline {
agent any
tools {
nodejs 'nodejs-10'
stages {
stage('Git Checkout') {
steps {
git branch: 'main', changelog: false, poll: false, url: ''
stage('Install Dependencies') {
steps {
sh "npm install"
stage('OWASP Dependency Check') {
steps {
// Run OWASP Dependency-Check scan on the current directory
dependencyCheck additionalArguments: '--scan ./ ', odcInstallation: 'DP'
// Publish the Dependency-Check report
dependencyCheckPublisher pattern: '**/dependency-check-report.xml'
stage('Docker Build and Push ') {
steps {
withDockerRegistry(credentialsId: 'dockerhnew') {
sh 'docker run -d --name demo-nodejs -p 8081:8081 amitsinghs98/nodejsdemo1:latest'
Go to URL: localhost:8081
By following these steps, you can establish a robust CI/CD pipeline for your Node.js application. This setup will help you automate testing and deployment, ensuring that your application is always ready for users. With a real-time CI/CD pipeline, you can focus more on developing features and less on managing deployments, leading to a more efficient development process.